The Sacrament of Confirmation perfects the grace of Baptism and allows the Holy Spirit to root us more deeply in Christ and in His Church's mission. It strengthens the soul against temptation and gives us the strength to defend the Faith and to bear witness to Christ in the world.
Confirmation is not a 'graduation from formation', but rather the beginning of a new chapter! It is a chapter where we truly should be happy to continue down a path with a deeper sense of Christ. A new chapter where we realize the importance of the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist, and service to our communities.
Confirmation preparation sessions begin in the fall in the 8th grade, and reception of the sacrament is celebrated with the Bishop in the spring of the following year. Candidates are required to attend all scheduled sessions, to complete service projects, and to attend a retreat.
For more information regarding Confirmation, please contact the Director of Religious Education at the parish office (410-250-0300).