Reverend Paul Jennings, Jr., Pastor
Reverend Sylvester Obumneme, Associate Pastor
Mr. Joseph Carraro, Deacon
Mr. Robert McNulty, Deacon
Mr. Jack Ames, Deacon
Mr. Joseph Kostelac, Trustee
Ms. Ann McDermott, Trustee
Mr. Jim Stone, Finance Council Executive Officer
Mr. Sal Castorina
Mr. Chris Cikanovich, Parish Council Executive Officer
Mr. Thomas Herwig
Ms. Valerie Herwig
Ms. Carolyn Kress
Mr. Steve Mastbrook
Ms. Linda McCready
Ms. Carol Snair
Reverend Paul Jennings, Jr.
Mr. Joe Carraro, Finance Director
Salvador Castorina
Cecilia Fox
Thomas Herwig
Joseph Kostelac
Ann McDermott, Trustee
Joseph Kostelac, Trustee
James Stone, Finance Council Executive Officer
Members of this committee advise the council on the needs for the normal liturgies (Sunday & Daily); specific themes for each liturgical season; and implement plans for the entire liturgical environment. Included in this committee are the Anointing of the Sick Ministry, Ash Wednesday liturgy, and Holy Week liturgies. They also review the effectiveness and needs of the following ministries: Eucharistic ministers, ushers, altar servers and coordinators, lectors, music and cantors, and sacristans. Members serve a one-year term. There are no elections. The committee is open to all parishioners.
Members of this committee implement the spirit of inclusion and help build the parish community by conveying a warm welcome to all new parishioners; and enhancing the interaction between all parishioners by working with all other parish groups (Knights of Columbus, Ocean City Lady Knights Auxiliary, and other ethnic organizations) to strengthen the parish community. They advise the council on opportunities for social activities and other hospitality events that will bring the parish together. Members serve a one-year term. There are no elections. The committee is open to all parishioners.
Members of this committee channel the energy and resources of our parish to conduct the social teaching mission of the Catholic Church. The committee advises the council on how to foster more involvement from parishioners in social concerns, and how to educate and engage parishioners on a wide range of public policy issues of our time, specifically helping the less fortunate, protecting human life, and making a difference in the world. Members serve a one-year term. There are no elections. The committee is open to all parishioners.
Members of this committee advise the council on the design, implementation, and evaluation of all the Christian educational/formational programs of the parish. This committee focuses on sacramental preparation, adult and family education, and youth/young adult education. They assist the Director of Education in the development of the goals and objectives that implement the pastoral plan prepared by the Pastor and Parish Council. Members serve a one-year term. There are no elections. The committee is open to all parishioners.
Members of this committee meet as needed with architects, contractors, suppliers, and connected groups of the parish. They evaluate the physical assets of the parish; the proposals for upcoming parish projects; and advise the council on recommended solutions. Members serve a one-year term. There are no elections, the committee is open to parishioners who have specialized skills and background experience in the areas of building construction and grounds maintenance.