The sacrament of the Eucharist lies at the very heart of the Catholic faith. When we receive Holy Communion, we are united with Jesus in the most intimate way possible here on earth. For the Eucharist is the Body and Blood of Christ. The almighty God, Creator of the Universe, humbles Himself so that He can become 'one' with us each time we attend Mass and receive Holy Communion.
If you need to receive this less than 0.01% gluten-content host, we ask that you mention your request to an usher before Mass, and then receive the Eucharist in the center aisle at the very end of the communion line. Please remind the Priest, Deacon, or Extra-Ordinary Minister that you wish to receive the Low Gluten Eucharist.
We celebrate reception of the sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time in the spring. Children in grade 2, who do not attend a Catholic school, must be enrolled in the 1st grade of the parish religious education program for preparation.
For more information regarding the Eucharist or to register your child for the sacramental preparation class, or to attend weekly religious education, please call the Director of Religious Education at the parish office (410-250-0300).
Communion for the Sick: If you, a family member, or a friend are sick and cannot participate in Mass and receive Holy Communion, please call the office (410-250-0300) and arrangements can be made to have one of our lay ministers visit with you and bring the Eucharist to you on a regular basis.