

Music Ministry

"To sing is to pray twice"  -Saint Augustine

There are several opportunities to serve our Parish through Music Ministry.  Please, contact Michelee Kemp, to explore how you might best use your time and talent. The liturgy is the work of the people and all ministries, working together, make it happen.

Michelee Kemp, Music Director          Email: 

Solo Cantors: These individuals lead the congregation in all sung parts of the Mass including, Hymns, Psalm and Gospel Acclamation, and sung responses during the Eucharistic prayer. These vocalists prepare independently with minimal rehearsal.

Contemporary Choir: This group is made up of instrumentalist and vocalists, serving the second and fourth Sundays at the 5:00 PM Mass, with rehearsals on Sundays at 3:00 PM. Music is chosen that invites the congregation's participation through choral sound and a variety of instruments. No prior experience is necessary. Members will grow in music reading and other musicianship skills. Music includes both familiar Hymns and new pieces of music that complement worship.

Parish Youth Choir:  Students, who have already received First Communion, are welcome, serving monthly and for special liturgical celebrations. Rehearsals are flexible, meeting the needs of families. Students learn how music functions in the Mass, new and traditional music, and how to work together as a choir. 

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